Peace of mind - Soluo Septic Solutions

A qualified team for a carefree experience

At Soluo, we inspect, design and install more than 500 septic installations per year throughout Quebec since 1995. We are convinced that you must be an integral part of the design and installation of your septic tank process to ensure complete current and future satisfaction with your septic installation.

From reflection to realization of your project, our Soluo experts will be able to accompany you every step of the way so that you can make informed decisions to obtain an septic installation whose functionality will be optimal and durable while maximizing the use of available space.

The Soluo approach

We offer 3 types of unique experiences to our customers ;


The turnkey experience :

We take care of everything

This is our most popular experience since we take care of everything from A to Z. From the design to the completion of the work including the septic tank installation, the leaching field excavation and the restoration of the premises, you’ll only have to discuss your ambitions and desires with our experts and we’ll then take care of everything.

Turnkey septic installation - Soluo Septic Solutions
Plans - Soluo Septic Solutions

The turnkey design :

Detailed plans designed for accredited contractors

We are convinced that septic installation work must be carried out by an experienced accredited contractor because unfortunately our Soluo teams must correct more than 30 defective installations per year. By choosing our design team and one of our accredited contractors, you will have peace of mind associated with a functional and durable installation.


The turnkey specialised work :

An experienced team for your septic installation work

You did not know Soluo when you made your septic installation plans? Our work teams throughout Quebec can carry out the work of septic tank installation on all plans issued by your technologist or engineer. You can agree with your Soluo expert on the scope of work and then just enjoy your new yard!

Experience - Soluo Septic Solutions
Septic installation design services

Entrust the design of your septic installation to experts who really care about finding you the best possible solution.

Design is the first necessary step in setting up your new septic installation. Each isolated residence in Quebec is subject to a provincial regulation (Q.2 – R.22) that sets out the conditions relating to the construction possibilities of your septic installation and your municipality will require the production of a feasibility report with construction plans before issuing you a building permit.

As each plot has its own particularities in terms of size, topography, soil type and environment, it is essential to carry out a detailed study including soil tests and topographic surveys in order to establish construction possibilities always having in priority the longevity and the planning of a possible replacement of this installation in the future. Each septic system is therefore unique and requires a study carried out by professionals.

Technologists - Soluo septic solutions

We think of everything

Our design team supervised by our professional technologists will be able to accompany you and inform you about the possibilities your land offers. They will allow you to have a clear vision of the best possible installation according to your reality as well as the extent of work required in terms of costs and time by giving you a construction budget with the construction plans.

Our design services :

  • Soil tests for septic installation

  • Surveying for septic installation

  • Production of construction plan for septic installation

  • Production of drainage plan

  • Feasibility report for septic installation

  • Construction compliance report

Start designing your future septic system now.

Excavation work

Choose a team of professionals who will not overlook any detail.

Excavation work - Soluo Septic Solutions

For a septic system to be sustainable and efficient, it is vital that the work related to its installation goes beyond the simple execution of plans. It is unfortunately impossible for our design team to precisely know the entire soil constitution of your land and the excavation team must be able to react quickly and efficiently in order to adjust the installation of your septic system the same day.

That’s why we are proud to be among the only ones in Quebec to offer you a turnkey experience in a few regions of Quebec where our work teams are constantly communicating with our design team to ensure the optimal construction of your future septic installation.

We already offer our turnkey experience in 2 regions: in the Laurentians and Lanaudière. Several more regions are to come.

Every detail of the work is important. Our laborers and operators receive annual training to ensure that they have all the knowledge required to maximize the quality and time of the work.

Our excavation services :

  • Excavation works for septic installation

  • Drain works and French drainage

  • Septic tank installer

  • Ecoflo, Bionest and System O installer

  • Leaching field installation

  • Site restoration and earthworks

Request a quote for your septic system or septic tank installation work now

Our certification

Hydro-Kinetic® by Norweco
System O
Réseau Environnement